Let’s talk about cloud native vs. cloud ready

Suppose you have decided that you want to move a certain application to the cloud, how do you ensure that you do not become too dependent on the cloud supplier? That depends on the extent to which your application is cloud agnostic. In this article, we explain the differences between cloud native and cloud agnostic

It's not so easy to determine whether a certain application is ready for the cloud. It depends, on various things, such as, if you have a good migration plan and whether your applications can make optimal use of the scalability of the cloud. Having a migration plan also means that you have to think about moving the data integration layer, to let the cloud applications communicate with the systems elsewhere in your organization.

Often you only find out during the migration process that a certain functionality does not work well. Perhaps a solution can then be selected via the dashboard of the cloud console. But what if as an organization you decide to switch to another cloud provider?



If you use features in your cloud application that specifically only work on one specific cloud, you limit yourself and can no longer easily switch to another cloud provider. You do have an advantage, if you work with cloud agnostic applications. Cloud agnostic means that an application works no matter which cloud platform is used. So it should work just as easy, for example, Google Cloud as it does on AWS. If, on the other hand, you use an application or code that only works on one specific cloud environment, such as Azure, then we are talking about cloud native.


Cloud agnostic applications offer you more flexibility than cloud native applications. If you are not tied to a particular cloud platform, it also becomes easier to scale up or down, for example by distributing the application over multiple instances.

In addition, if you have cloud agnostic, you have the option to use applications or scripts developed specifically for you, that can run anywhere, such as open-source applications. An open-source data integration platform can then ensure a smooth connection between the cloud application and other (on-premises) systems. With cloud agnostic, it is also easier to outsource the development of new applications or use other data integration tools.



Legally, the acquisition was in the cards and jars– but in the field of system integration, the adventure only started then. Jeroen Jansen van Rosendaal, from WeAreFrank! closely involved in the system integration, takes us through this extensive case study project

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Succesful system integration after large acquisition!

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